Game population in Bulgaria


Roe deer (doe and roe buck) - 145.000

Fallow deer - 7.000

Red deer - 30.000

Wild Boar - 78.500

Mouflon - 5.200

Wolf - 3.600

Jackal - 50.000

Fox - 55.000

Hare - 480.000

Chamois/wild goat (Rupicapra rupicapra) - 2.800

Bear - 1.400

Wood grouse (capercaillie) - 3.800

Pheasant - 680.000

Partridge (Perix cinerea) - 530.000

Rock partridge, (Alectoris graeca) - 430.000

Woodcock (Scolopax rusticola) (domestic and migratory) - over 20.000

Wild Duck (Anas platyrhynchos ) (domestic and migratory) - over 20.000

White fronted goose (domestic and migratory) (Anser albifrons) – over 30 000